contoh kalimat provinsi buenos aires
- Fein was born in Luján, Buenos Aires Province.
Fein lahir di Luján, Provinsi Buenos Aires. - Tres Arroyos is a city in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Tres Arroyos adalah kota yang terletak di Provinsi Buenos Aires, Argentina. - From the Buenos Aires Province.
Tepatnya di Provinsi Buenos Aires. - The Estadio Libertadores de América is a stadium located in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires Province.
Estadio Libertadores de América adalah sebuah stadion yang terletak di Avellaneda, Provinsi Buenos Aires, Argentina. - The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Justo is located in the city of San Justo, in the province of Buenos Aires.
Keuskupan San Justo terletak di kota San Justo, provinsi Buenos Aires. - Wernich's trial began on 5 July 2007 in La Plata, the capital of the province of Buenos Aires.
Persidangan Von Wernich mulai pada 5 Juli 2007 di La Plata, ibu kota provinsi Buenos Aires. - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Quilmes is located in the city of Quilmes, capital of Quilmes Partido, in the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
Keuskupan Quilmes terletak di kota Quilmes, ibukota Quilmes Partido, provinsi Buenos Aires, Argentina. - The governor of Buenos Aires Province (Juan Manuel de Rosas during most of the period) managed foreign relations during this time.
Gubernur Provinsi Buenos Aires (Juan Manuel de Rosas pada kebanyakan periodenya) mengurusi urusan luar negeri pada waktu itu. - On the evening of Monday, 1 April 2013, a severe storm moved into the northeast of Buenos Aires Province.
Pada malam hari Senin, 1 April 2013, sebuah badai yang sangat kencang bergerak ke arah timur laut Provinsi Buenos Aires. - Normally, the President lives at the Quinta de Olivos, the official residence of the President of Argentina, which is located in Olivos, Greater Buenos Aires.
Umumnya, Presiden Argentina tinggal di Quinta De Olivos, kediaman resmi Presiden Argentina, yang terletak di Olivos, Provinsi Buenos Aires. - He was named Secretary to the Supreme Court of the Province of Buenos Aires in 1973, and judge in the provincial Court of First Instance in 1974.
Ia dijadikan Sekretaris Dewan Tertinggi Provinsi Buenos Aires pada 1973, dan hakim dalam Dewan Instansi Pertama provinsial pada 1974. - In this time, there was no central authority, and the closest to that was the Chairman of Foreign Relations, typically the Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Saat ini, tidak ada otoritas pusat, dan yang paling dekat itu adalah Ketua Hubungan Luar Negeri, biasanya Gubernur Provinsi Buenos Aires. - However, the Buenos Aires Province had rejected the Constitution and became an independent state until the aftermath of the 1859 Battle of Cepeda, although the internecine conflict continued.
Namun, Provinsi Buenos Aires telah menolak Konstitusi dan menjadi negara merdeka sampai pasca 1859 Pertempuran Cepeda, meskipun konflik internal yang terus berlanjut. - In nearby La Plata, the capital city of Buenos Aires Province, approximately 400 mm (16 in) of rain fell over a two-hour time span on Tuesday evening.
Di dekat La Plata, ibu kota provinsi Buenos Aires, sekitar 400 mm (16 inci) hujan jatuh dalam jangka dua jam pada Selasa malam. - In this organization, the governors of Buenos Aires province took some duties such as the payment of external debt or the administration of the foreign relations in the name of all provinces.
Dalam organisasi ini, gubernur provinsi Buenos Aires mengambil beberapa tugas seperti pembayaran utang eksternal atau administrasi hubungan luar negeri dalam nama semua provinsi. - It distributes gas in all the Santa Fe Province, and the northwest of the Buenos Aires Province, at the partidos San Nicolás, Ramallo, Pergamino, Colón, Bartolomé Mitre, San Pedro and Baradero.
Perusahaan tersebut mendistribusikan gas di seluruh Provinsi Santa Fe, dan barat laut Provinsi Buenos Aires, di wilayah San Nicolás, Ramallo, Pergamino, Colón, Bartolomé Mitre, San Pedro dan Baradero. - The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, is located in the city of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, which is usually shortened to San Nicolás, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keuskupan San Nicolás de los Arroyos, terletak di kota San Nicolás de los Arroyos, yang biasanya disingkat San Nicolás, di provinsi Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 9. Diego Maradona was born on 30 October 1960, at the Policlínico Evita Hospital in Lanús, Buenos Aires Province, but raised in Villa Fiorito, a shantytown on the southern outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a poor family that had moved from Corrientes Province.
9. Diego Maradona dilahirkan pada 30 oktober 1960, Evita di Hospital Poliklinik di Lanús, Provinsi Buenos Aires, tetapi dibesarkan di Villa Fiorito, yang Shantytown di pinggir selatan Buenos Aires, Argentina, kepada keluarga miskin yang telah bergerak dari Wilayah Corrientes. - It is also known popularly as the Estadio Único (One-of-a kind Stadium) and is owned by the Province of Buenos Aires, administered jointly by the provincial government, the Municipality of La Plata, and the football clubs Estudiantes de La Plata and Gimnasia y Esgrima de la Plata.
Stadion tersebut juga disebut sebagai Estadio Único (Stadion Satu Jenis) dan dimiliki oleh Provinsi Buenos Aires, secara bersama-sama diurus oleh pemerintah provinsi, Munisipalitas La Plata, dan klub-klub sepak bola Estudiantes de La Plata dan Gimnasia y Esgrima de la Plata.